Painting, Printing & Play with Natural Dyes


Painting, Printing & Play with Natural Dyes


Ages 7-12

Date: Aug. 12-16th, 2024 (Mon-Fri) 9-3pm

Location: 1004 School St. Moraga, CA 94556

This engaging in-person week-long camp is for the curious and playful sustainable artist. We will Eco Print with fresh flowers using a fun hands on method of hammering to create flower imprints onto fabric. Using plant material, artists will mortar and pestle plants to create natural pigment they will paint and print with using handmade stamps. Projects on fabric and paper will take inspiration from the natural world and the imagination, making wearable art and toys they can play with.

This week-long course will build skills and confidence in sustainable living, taking action, and making conscious choices as an artist. Daily collaborative art projects will build community within camp. Along with art making, children will partake in mindfulness movement play including yoga. Each day we will close camp reflecting on the learning of the day and playing together. At the end of the week, the kids will display their artwork in an art show Friday 2:30-3pm.

  • All art materials are included in tuition fee

  • Please provide your child with a daily snack, lunch, and water bottle

  • 10% discount for two or more sibling enrollment - contact me for discount code

  • Daily Schedule 

    *Timing will be flexible for the mixed ages and projects - outdoor play and collaborative projects will be given to younger students when finished.

    9:00-9:25am - Arrivals/Outdoor playtime

    9:30-10:00am - Overview of the day and story time 

    10:00-10:30 - Art Project 1

    10:30-10:55 - Snack/outdoor play

    11-12:00pm - Continuation of Art Project 

    12:00-12:35pm - Lunch/ Outdoor Play

    12:45-1:00pm -  Yoga mindful movement practice

    1-2:00pm - Art Project 2

    2-2:15 - Community classroom clean up

    2:15-2:30 - Outdoor play time

    2:35-3:00 - Reflection & Storytelling

    3:00pm - End of camp pick up